Friday 24 July 2015

Top notch top knots

My life goal… at least for my hair is to figure out how to create the perfect top knot for my personal style. I have figured out how to get one that looks really good but for some reason it looks super formal so it doesn’t pair well with my daily wardrobe choices of shirts and cardigans or simple sun dresses…. so the hunt continues! However,  I do love a good top knot. Have no idea what I am talking about? Let me show you!

Top notch top knots

So the basic gist of the top not is to create the sloppiest mound of hair on top of your head and be able to pull it off as chic and sophisticated. Let me just tell you my first attempts at this little hair-do were less than stylish and most certainly laughable. I am only sorry I did not capture it on film to share with you here, because I know you could all probably use a little Thursday pick me up, although I am still reeling form my weekend which in my new job occurs on Tuesday and Wednesday… which is really cutting into my weekend cooking and crafting and exploring, but such is life, soon I will no longer be the low man on the totem pole and I will return to the schedule of a normal person in the corporate world. Ok, so that was a look at some different top nots, but I have some more for you that I am looking in to trying soon!

Read more about : Top notch top knots

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