Thursday 30 July 2015

7 ways to make your hair thicker

7 ways to make your hair thicker

One of the only things men seek advice from me for is hair loss or thinning hair. OK, occasionally they want job seeking advice, but MAINLY they all want the same thing: A way to keep their hair forever. One of the biggest beauty problems men face is baldness with approximately 40 percent of men experiencing hair loss by age 35. Whether it’s from genetics, poor diet, or inflammation which can be caused by a plethora of factors males can face baldness sooner than women. While it’s been ingrained in most women’s brains to obsess over preventing aging before it happens, men tend to ignore thinning hair and a decreased hairline until it’s too late. Even with all the natural remedies available, science still claims that the only cure for hair loss is a hair transplant. LINK

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