Sunday 12 July 2015

Khaleesi inspired twist tutorial

Khaleesi inspired twist tutorial

Since I have dyed my hair people always tell me that I look like two characters: Elsa from Frozen (let it go.. no just kidding I think it’s cute) and Khaleesi from Game of Thrones. I had seen Frozen and so I was like okay I get it but I had never seen Game of Thrones until recently when Charlie said that he would rewatch it so I could start from episode one… and now I am obsessed. I think I was apprehensive to watch it before because I thought it would be super violent and I am 100% that girl covering her eyes during gory movies and wiping her sweaty palms during action movies (hello anything in 3-D..). And I still do that sometimes but in reality I just can’t get enough of Khaleesi! She is so so pretty and I get excited every time her story line comes on (#fangirl). So I decided to do a tutorial for this easy hairstyle that reminds me of her gorgeous double twists and braids. LINK

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