Thursday 30 July 2015

How-To: Simple Chignon Hair Tutorial

Keeping it classic, chic, and simple is what our Chignon Hair Tutorial is all about! A low pony and a couple topsy twists are all you need to create this dreamy day-to-night hairstyle. Need all the deets and steps ASAP?! We’ve got you covered with the full tutorial below!

How-To: Simple Chignon Hair Tutorial


1. Begin with all your hair brushed back.

2. Next, pull your hair into a low ponytail.

3. Part the hair just above the pony and create a topsy tail.

4. Repeat step 3 and create another topsy tail.

5. Wrap the remaining hair up into the middle section, and fasten with bobby pins.

6. Carefully widen the bun and complete the look with hairspray! LINK

7 ways to make your hair thicker

7 ways to make your hair thicker

One of the only things men seek advice from me for is hair loss or thinning hair. OK, occasionally they want job seeking advice, but MAINLY they all want the same thing: A way to keep their hair forever. One of the biggest beauty problems men face is baldness with approximately 40 percent of men experiencing hair loss by age 35. Whether it’s from genetics, poor diet, or inflammation which can be caused by a plethora of factors males can face baldness sooner than women. While it’s been ingrained in most women’s brains to obsess over preventing aging before it happens, men tend to ignore thinning hair and a decreased hairline until it’s too late. Even with all the natural remedies available, science still claims that the only cure for hair loss is a hair transplant. LINK



The braid adds a fun detail to a regular top knot. Being one of my go-to styles, I love finding new ways to wear a bun. You can check out my basic curly top knot tutorial here or find 15 ways to wear a top knot here.

Thank you for your encouragement and support for my new everyday curly hairstyles series. I used to straighten my hair about 50% of the time and now I’d say it’s less than 20 % of the time. I wear my naturally curly hair more than ever. It’s true that the more you wear your hair curly, the better your curls look. LINK

27 Tips And Tricks To Get The Perfect Ponytail

27 Tips And Tricks To Get The Perfect Ponytail

27 Tips And Tricks To Get The Perfect Ponytail | LINK

6 thick hair mistakes you're making

6 thick hair mistakes you're making

The perks of having thick hair are many: the luxury of only washing your strands once a week; being able to rock layers; being able to pull off any type of braid you want. But thick hair also comes with a raft of its own problems: frizziness, dryness, and the feeling that you can’t do anything with it. Fortunately, all of those issues are avoidable — if you don’t make any of these common thick hair mistakes….  LINK

Not your average bun

Not your average bun

Matching your hairstyle with the upcoming season is very important. Whether it’s short, long, blonde or brunette. And you should definitely be brave and do a lots of things and changes with it. It is fun and it fills you with confidence. This fall has a lots of different styles to wear. What people really notice on you it’s your hair because it covers you face and well, people look there first. So, you do want to leave a good impression. Follow our suggestions and you will be good for the season. LINK

how to wake up with pretty curls (even if you have straight hair)

how to wake up with pretty curls (even if you have straight hair)

The ’80s had their perms. The ’90s had their butterfly clips. The ’00s had their chunky highlights. Today, it’s all about a head full of loose and easy curls. Every star from Gisele Bündchen to the Housewives of New Jersey has sported this decade’s iconic look, but the seemingly-effortless waves tend to actually take a great deal of effort and even worse — a great deal of time. Plus, if your hair is as flat and straight as mine, the dreamy waves can seem 100 percent impossible, especially after hours of curling and re-curling, trying to make the ever-elusive curls stay put. However, what if I told you that you could get the look without having to wake up early, without having to sit in your bathroom for hours, and without having to redo twenty minutes after your hair falls limp? Ah, I have your attention now. Yes, there is a way to make straight hair curly overnight. LINK

The Sock Bun Is Dead. Here Are 16 Ways to Style the Look You Should Be Wearing…

The Sock Bun Is Dead. Here Are 16 Ways to Style the Look You Should Be Wearing…

Few hairstyles can pass as practical and cute like a bun can. Looking to switch up your ordinary top knot? Try the half bun. Celebs have taken to the trend and proven that the look is just as perfect for daytime as it is for a red carpet event. You can make a half bun work for any occasion and any hair type or length.  LINK

7 tips to save you from bacne

7 tips to save you from bacne

Come in and sit down, this is a safe space. Everybody relaxed? Because we’re going to talk about “bacne.” Yep, those ugly and embarrassing breakouts that happen south of your face, hitting your chest, shoulders, butt, and back. LINK

Upside Down Braided Bun.

Upside Down Braided Bun.

I have had a lot of requests for a how to for this look and so excited to finally do it! It is actually really easy, minus some blood rushing to your head haha :) but here are the steps..
1. Tip your head upside down and grab three strands and begin to do a Dutch braid (Dutch just means you cross the outside strand UNDER the middle strand instead of over like you would a French braid!) LINK

Wednesday 29 July 2015

10 Mental Rules Fit Women Live By

10 Mental Rules Fit Women Live By

Attitude plays a big part to whether you thrive with your fitness goals or you fail. Here are 10 mental rules that fit women follow that helps them continue being successful in their fitness journey. LINK

12 Exercises To Get Rid of Your Mummy Tummy

12 Exercises To Get Rid of Your Mummy Tummy

Becoming a mother is such a beautiful thing. You begin to think that for once in your life you finally know what to do with the rest of it. After all the hassle and preparation of being a mother (or perhaps becoming one to another), you will soon realize that you’ve gained so much weight and your belly isn’t doing anything to hide it at all. Not to mention the excess skin you really wish didn’t have to appear. LINK

5 Ways to Stay Fit For Busy People

5 Ways to Stay Fit For Busy People

Your life is busy, I get it, but it’s no reason to not work out. Here a few tips and tricks on how to incorporate fitness into your daily routine.

Plan Ahead:

plan your workouts ahead and be stubborn about it. If you put in your schedule that you’ll be at the gym from 8-9pm, don’t watch TV at those times, go to the gym. You might not always like the hours you can workout, but if it fits your schedule, you should do it. Once it’s penciled in, tired or not, you’re working out.



Women are hitting the weight room in record numbers, and a new study found that weight-training injuries among women have jumped a whopping 75 percent. Here are the most common mistakes and how to fix them, so you leave the gym strutting and not limping. LINK

A One Hour Workout is 4% of Your Day. No Excuses.

A One Hour Workout is 4% of Your Day. No Excuses.

Always make time for your health, because if you don’t, injury and illness will likely make time for you. And, once you make the time, you may as well make the most of it by challenging your body to be the best it can be. Try some of our 7-Day Challenges, like our: Abs Challenge, Arms Challenge, and Butt Challenge, guaranteed to work you hard and use every minute spent on your workout to its fullest. LINK



Staying up late to browse the Internet or watch your favorite show can make you reach for unhealthy snacks. Even if you eat healthy snacks late at night, it can still increase your waistline. Go to bed earlier to avoid late night snacking and to lose belly fat. Late night snacking can ruin your diet and can even disturb your sleep throughout the night. LINK



Do you want slim and toned thighs? Are you feeling like your lifestyle needs a bit of a makeover and some new inspiration? Slim thighs don’t just magically appear, but with some work, they are definitely doable. You’ll need to deploy the right combination of exercise and diet; and if you’re consistent, you’ll see results in no time. LINK

10 simple reasons why no matter how much sit-ups or crunches you do, your abs aren't showing.

10 simple reasons why no matter how much sit-ups or crunches you do, your abs aren't showing.

Putting in the effort but still don’t have the abs you’re after? Here are 10 slip-ups that hold you back—and the right moves to get you on track. LINK

6 Most Overlooked Tips To Faster Metabolism

6 Most Overlooked Tips To Faster Metabolism

If Metabolism 101 were a class, you’d be the teacher’s pet: You never skip breakfast—you know a little food in the a.m. kick-starts the day’s calorie burn. LINK

10 Exercises That Burn More Fat Than Running

10 Exercises That Burn More Fat Than Running

Running is amazing. It allows you to get a stress-reducing, endurance-boosting workout with just a pair of shoes and an open road. It also burns calories, of course. At a 10-minute per mile pace, you’ll fry about 10 calories a minute. LINK

Monday 27 July 2015

27 Tips And Tricks To Get The Perfect Ponytail

27 Tips And Tricks To Get The Perfect Ponytail

If you have a hard time keeping your bobby pins in place, try flipping the pin over. The straight side is slicker and won't grip as well as the wavy, more textured side.  LINK

6 moves you can do with a foam roller

6 moves you can do with a foam roller

You see it sitting in the corner at the gym, your friends swears by it, but how do you actually use it? Besides rolling over it to work out kinks and sooth sore muscles, you can actually use the foam roller as a great tool to build muscle. LINK

10 Yoga Poses to Beat Belly Bloat and Promote Digestion

10 Yoga Poses to Beat Belly Bloat and Promote Digestion

After a large or indulgent meal, many of us feel like a beluga whale that has just landed ashore. You can choose to lounge on the beach and let nature take its slow and steady course, or you can use your yoga practice to ease you back to your digestive normalcy.

There are a variety of yoga poses that can help you beat belly bloat, gas, and indigestion. Experiment with one or a few of these poses to see what feels right for your body. They will all help get your tummy back on track. LINK

6 Stretches to Prevent Rounded Shoulders

6 Stretches to Prevent Rounded Shoulders

I can’t help but notice that a lot of young people these days have hunched/rounded shoulders and very poor posture. Take a look around you and you’ll see it, too. Look in the mirror – you may even be one of them. LINK

Yoga Inspiration

Yoga Inspiration


how to get rid of dark spots on your face

how to get rid of dark spots on your face

My mind immediately starts racing when I see a new pimple creeping up on my otherwise clear skin. The pimple itself is not the biggest problem — having oily skin and poor skin routines most of life has given me loads of experience in how to treat my pimple. I’m not about to pop that thing all willy-nilly and I’m confident that with ice and my homemade spot treatment, that pimple will see its death before I see anyone I’m trying to impress. What has me ripping through my closet of essential oils and natural skin treats and turning my kitchen into a science lab is what happens after the pimple: I need to find out how to treat dark skin spots. LINK

6 Amazing Natural Teeth Whitening Tips

6 Amazing Natural Teeth Whitening Tips

We are all want whiter and healthy teeth and for that purpose,we spend a lot of money on teeth whitening products,even then we are not satisfied from their results. The sometimes don't work properly and that is very frustrating situation and waste of money too.In that situation you can try some natural ingredients at home. The natural substances mentioned blow would act as wonder for you and you'll be successful in getting whiter and healthy teeth without spending a lot of money. You may check out the six amazing teeth whitening tips below. LINK

Effective Tips To Increase Height In Couple of Months

Effective Tips To Increase Height In Couple of Months

Taller people look more attractive than shorter people.They have greater chances to have desire life partner and also have greater chances to have good job.Taller people have many friends than shorter people.There are many factors which affect our height and among these factors genetics is major factor which affect our height.If you  are in mood to increase your height, here i will tell you what should you do and what should you avoid to increase your height. LINK

6 Ways To Get Rid Of Facial Hair

6 Ways To Get Rid Of Facial Hair

Although Women typically have little hair on their faces, apart from eyebrows and the vellus hair that covers most of their bodies. However, in some cases, women have noticeable facial hair growth, most commonly after menopause. Excessive hairiness is known as hirsutism, and is usually an indication of atypical hormonal variation. The excessive facial hair growth on face is very embarrassing and annoying situation,especially for women. In such a situation every woman tries to get rid of facial hair by using different available methods. Check out these effective methods of removing facial hair. LINK

7 Amazing Ways To Get Rid Of Dark Pores On Legs

7 Amazing Ways To Get Rid Of Dark Pores On Legs

Dark pores are the common skin problem caused by shaving,sebum, excess oil, dirt and bacteria etc. . It is very frustrating and we want to get rid of the annoying problem quickly.Pores appear due to formation of blackheads and in most cases it appears due to shaving.Stop shaving is the first and easy way to get rid of dark pores on the legs. Check out seven effective ways below to eliminate the dark pores on legs. LINK

How to get a perfect at-home facial in 5 simple steps

How to get a perfect at-home facial in 5 simple steps

I doubt I speak alone when I say that I haven’t been treating my skin very well this past week. First, there was the traveling — the moisture-leaching airplane air plus one very long, very dehydrating train ride during which I drank only iced coffee. Then, there was the sugar — the bowl of chewy peppermints my mom left out on the kitchen counter and kept replenishing, the cookies I was simply forced to bake for my brother’s homecoming. And let’s not forget the late nights spent watching “Once Upon a Time” with my sister. LINK

Saturday 25 July 2015

DIY Body Wrap – Lose up to 1 inch over night!

DIY Body Wrap – Lose up to 1 inch over night!

Today I’m bringing you a wallet-friendly version of body wraps. I’ve been seeing these around the internet lately and mentioned them to a friend. She’s from Mexico and said she’s been doing those for years, just not the commercialized type. I tried it one night and lost .5 inches on my gut overnight! LINK

6 Ways to Minimize Cellulite

6 Ways to Minimize Cellulite

Ahhhh, cellulite. Defined as the dimpling of your skin around the leg and butt area due to underlying fat deposits, cellulite attacks us all. Contrary to popular belief, its onset isn’t caused by the number on the scale but rather by hormones and genetics. LINK

Blackheads - How to prevent and remove them

Blackheads - How to prevent and remove them


5 Weight Loss Mistakes to Avoid Absolutely for Effective results

5 Weight Loss Mistakes to Avoid Absolutely for Effective results

Losing weight is not only about hard work. It is a smart thing which has to be approached with an open mind. Most women are trying to lose weight in this period time, which leads them to commit a lot of mistakes. As a matter of fact, this article is about the most common mistakes that must be avoided for a better results. Keep reading to discover by yourself how to add more effectiveness to your losing weight journey.  LINK

How to Apply Tanning Lotion , Save your skin this summer

How to Apply Tanning Lotion , Save your skin this summer

I love to look bronzed all year long, in the summer I tan really easily so I don't have much need for tanning lotion. But if your trying your best to keep your skin out of the sun this summer tanning lotions are a great option to still have that summery glow. I first discovered tanning lotions when I was 13, and I looked like Snooki most of the time... orange and streaky, there are some pretty embarrassing photos! But 9 years later, I have learnt a few tricks that I will pass along. LINK

9 Biggest Mistakes People with Oily Skin Make

9 Biggest Mistakes People with Oily Skin Make

Having oily skin is pretty much one of the most annoying things ever. You’re always worried about looking shiny or your makeup melting off. You probably carry around oil blotting sheets and extra makeup just to avoid any sign of shine. It’s a struggle. LINK

I have lost 40lbs since I started and it was well worth the effort. I lost weight using healthy methods.

I have lost 40lbs since I started and it was well worth the effort. I lost weight using healthy methods.


9 Yoga poses for a perky booty

9 Yoga poses for a perky booty

Forget the traditional squats, lunges, and gym equipment. Practicing these yoga poses will shape, round, and lift the booty to where you won’t even need the yoga pants to enhance its appearance! (Just kidding, keep wearing pants after this workout). LINK

How to tape your Breasts for a backless outfit... Because sometimes sticky bras don't cut it

How to tape your Breasts for a backless outfit... Because sometimes sticky bras don't cut it

I’ve finally found the perfect dress to wear. It’s strappy, it’s backless, it’s black and sexy. However I also have to cram some big ol’ boobs into that dress as well. I’ve tried using those stick on bras a couple of times, however they really aren’t made for anyone who is larger than a C cup and they don’t provide any support at all.  LINK

Friday 24 July 2015

HAIR ROMANCE : 6 ways to blow dry your hair!

I’ve been a little confused by the question, “How would you like your hair blowdried today?” at the end of my hair appointment.

(Note: blowdry = blowout. Are there any other words to describe it?)

When I say smooth with a bit of volume, do they have the same idea of volume? Will I walk out with softly smoothed hair or big pageant hair? It’s hard to describe what you want at the hairdresser. This is where the saying a picture is worth a thousand words is true.

It was easy at The Dry Bar in New York, as they have a picture menu to choose the hair you want. For example, a Cosmopolitan is loose curls and a Manhattan is dead straight and smooth. No confusion there.

I love a salon blowdry, and I can make it last for days in my hair. Here are some ways you can blowdry your hair.

HAIR ROMANCE : 6 ways to blow dry your hair!

Straight. My hair has been blowdried straight then super straightened with a flat iron.
Smooth with flicked ends. My hair has been blowdried straight and the end curled up with a round brush.
Volume with soft curls. My hair has been blowdried with a large round brush to create volume and soft curls at the ends
Smooth waves. My hair has been blowdried and curled uniformly with a 50mm barrel curling wand then brushed out into soft waves.
Beach waves. My hair has been blowdried straight and then curled randomly with a 13mm barrel curling wand then shaken loose to form messy curls.
Curly. My hair has been blowdried upside-down with a diffuser to encourage my natural curls.

Read more about : HAIR BLOWDRIED TODAY

Top notch top knots

My life goal… at least for my hair is to figure out how to create the perfect top knot for my personal style. I have figured out how to get one that looks really good but for some reason it looks super formal so it doesn’t pair well with my daily wardrobe choices of shirts and cardigans or simple sun dresses…. so the hunt continues! However,  I do love a good top knot. Have no idea what I am talking about? Let me show you!

Top notch top knots

So the basic gist of the top not is to create the sloppiest mound of hair on top of your head and be able to pull it off as chic and sophisticated. Let me just tell you my first attempts at this little hair-do were less than stylish and most certainly laughable. I am only sorry I did not capture it on film to share with you here, because I know you could all probably use a little Thursday pick me up, although I am still reeling form my weekend which in my new job occurs on Tuesday and Wednesday… which is really cutting into my weekend cooking and crafting and exploring, but such is life, soon I will no longer be the low man on the totem pole and I will return to the schedule of a normal person in the corporate world. Ok, so that was a look at some different top nots, but I have some more for you that I am looking in to trying soon!

Read more about : Top notch top knots

Golden Globes Hair How-To: Amy Adams' Beautiful Braided Updo

Golden Globes Hair How-To: Amy Adams' Beautiful Braided Updo

1. Create a bun. "Prep the hair with a texture spray, like Oribe Dry Texture Spray, first," Pucciarello says. "Then,gather the section of hair at the crown of your head, backcomb that section with a rattail comb, and put it into a ponytail. Tease the ponytail, and then make the base of a bun by bunching it all together and bobby pinning it to secure the style."

2. Smooth and pin. Next, an inch forward from the crown, tease the hair and smooth it over the bun.

3. Cinch your style. Create a baby bun by bobby pinning the middle of the bun with an "X" formation created by two bobby pins.

4. Section off your strands. "Take three sections — one two inches behind your right and left ears and one directly at the nape of your neck," Pucciarello says. "Then, pulling each section tightly, bobby pin them to the bun, leaving their ends to hang down."

5. Braid the three sections that are hanging loose.

6. Wrap the braid around the bun. "You want to be sure you're hiding the base of the bun, making it look better with the braids," he says. "Siobhán put one in the middle of the bun to separate it and then two along the sides."

7. Secure the braids and hide any ends sticking out. Do this with the help of U-pins and bobby pins. "U-pins will help keep the hair in place without making indentations that are visible, and bobby pins will keep your style from unraveling," Pucciarello says.

8. Twist and braid. "Take the section of hair hanging down by your temples and separate it into two sections," he says. "Twist the section closest to your ear back and pin it into the bun. Then, take the front sections of hair, on both sides of the middle part, and French braid them back, securing them toward the base of the bun with bobby pins."

Finish with some hairspray to keep your style in place and and enjoy your Amy Adams-like red-carpet braided updo.

Photo Credit: Elizabeth Griffin

Read more about : Golden Globes Hair

Put a Twist on the Classic Milkmaid Braid

Put a Twist on the Classic Milkmaid Braid

Milkmaid braids are making a comeback, and we were recently inspired by Nicole Richie's twisted crown. So why not combine the two? Give regular milkmaid braids a twist with this supersimple DIY hairstyle.

6 curly hair mistakes you're making

6 curly hair mistakes you're making

At last, curls are in. Every time Taylor Swift walks a red carpet, a teenage girl who 10 years ago would have woken herself up at 6 a.m. to flat-iron gets a little extra sleep, and grown women who grew up hating their unruly strands finally get a little peace, too.

Six easy step for the perfect blowout.

Six easy step for the perfect blowout.

A trick the experts use is to get the most moisture out of your hair before you begin to blow dry. Always apply blow dryer heat to hair that’s damp, not sopping wet. If you do it when the hair is wet, it will dry your hair out.

Read more about : DIY the Perfect Blowout

BEAUTY–LuLu*s How-To: Topsy Ponytail Hair Tutorial

We’re turning your everyday ponytail on its head with this week’s Topsy Ponytail Hair Tutorial! We love how this look mimics the classic look of a french braid but with half the hassle! Take a peek at our tutorial below for tips on how to achieve this fun style! 

BEAUTY–LuLu*s How-To: Topsy Ponytail Hair Tutorial


– Begin by creating three evenly spaced ponytails and securing with small elastic hair-ties.

– Starting from the top, slide each hair-tie slightly away from your head to make room for the topsy.

– Next, create a hole behind the top hair-tie and flip the pony up, then down through the hole.

– Continue by combining the top and middle ponytails together (repeating the previous step for the 2nd and 3rd topsy).

– Complete the look by tightening or loosening each section to your preference!

Note: The topsy ponytails should hide the elastic hair-ties but use bobby-pins as needed.

Read more about : Topsy Ponytail Hair Tutorial

Fishtail braid.

Fishtail braid.

This cascading effect is everywhere on Pinterest and it's easy to see why: it looks equally gorgeous on straight or curly locks. This braiding method requires a fair amount of practice, so you'll want to do a trial run in advance to get the motion down pat.

Read more about : Fishtail Braids 

Sunday 19 July 2015

Side Swept Curls Hair Tutorial

Side Swept Curls Hair Tutorial

Timeless elegance will be your best accessory when you try our Side Swept Curls Hair Tutorial! For prom, upcoming weddings, or parties, we are loving how effortlessly glamorous this look is!  Take a peek at our full tutorial with step-by-step instructions below! LINK

Pretty Curls #hair

Pretty Curls #hair