Sunday 18 October 2015

6 Thigh Exercises for Thighs Like a Dancer

6 Thigh Exercises for Thighs Like a Dancer

It’s always best to start with a light warm up. you could do a 5 or 1o minute jog, jumping jacks, or just dance to some music. Please consult a dr before doing any of these moves and remember two things:

1~Keeping your bellybutton pulled into your spine will help to strengthen your abs while working out

2~ Don’t worry about height and not being able to do all the reps as much as doing the move the best you can and start with lower reps, pushing as hard as you can until you can move up to all the reps. You’ll get better with time.

Most of us don’t have a barre at home, so whether you do this at the gym with a barre or in your home at the counter top you can still get great results. Source

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