Monday 19 October 2015

10 easy exercises to add to your daily life

Yep! That’s right I do lunges while I brush my teeth. I call it multi tasking my BlissDom (blog conference) roomies called me nuts. I seriously assumed it was normal practice to stretch in the bathtub and do squats for a 2 minute teeth brush session, but after a little facebook post, I realized that not everyone does that. After a few emails and tweets I learned that some people DID want to know more about my my exercise practice I call: Easy exercises to do at home.  So, I’m here to tell you how I exercise everyday and don’t run or have a gym membership or really even spend any extra time exercising.

10 easy exercises to add to your daily life

So, love is a little strong. But, I don’t want my gymnastics muscle residue to turn to fat and I don’t want to pay for a gym membership, not to mention I wouldn’t know what to do with weight machines even if I did go to the gym! I choose to do my old school gymnastics conditioning moves throughout my day. Note: I don’t do all of these things everyday, I just do them as they fit into my every day life.

1: Park far away at Target. And it’s not just Target, any big box store in a crowded parking lot. So this exercise trick does 2 things for me. 1) I don’t get angry in the parking lot, I just go to the back and park. 2) I walk (usually really fast) into Target and get a few extra steps in for the day.

2: Stretch in the bathtub. I don’t take tons of baths, but when I do, I always stretch. This tip probably won’t work if you’re over 5’9, because you won’t be able to fully stretch out your legs. Here’s what I do: Pike stretches, pull my flexed feet back, try to touch my head to my knees. I think the bathtub is the perfect place for stretching since your muscles are already warmed up!

3: When I talk on the phone, I walk around the block. If I know the conversation is going to be longer than 15 minutes, I just step outside and start walking. Walking around the block also provides privacy! No snoopy Andy wondering what I’m talking about, ha!  #multitaskingpro #gettingintheextrasteps

4: Exercise while I brush my teeth. I have a sonicare toothbrush with a built in 2 minute timer. So, while I’m brushing I pick an activity to do. I don’t count, I just do the named activity for 2 minutes. I’ve been on a lunge kick, but I’ve also been known to do wall sits, calf raises, or squats while brushing my teeth. I like lunges because they allow me to move around. I like to lunge up and down the hallway, not just in one place… go figure, ha! Source

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