Sunday 18 October 2015

5 Light Exercises To Do Before Going To Bed

5 Light Exercises To Do Before Going To Bed

When was the last time you slept like a baby? If you almost entered into a state of limbo on hearing that question, then most likely you haven’t had a good night’s sleep in a while. Nothing to be alarmed about! The solution to improve your sleeping habits is not as dreadful as many people think. Studies have shown that our sleeping patterns are closely related to how much physical exertion our body goes through during the day. Our body temperature rises during day time, and falls back down during the night. Doing an exercise routine four to five hours before bedtime triggers the body temperature to rise up, and later drops considerably lower than it would without any exercise – signaling the body to sleep better without any interference. Many people misunderstand this straightforward concept and work exhaustively right before it’s time to sleep. That’s a big ‘no-no’ if you already have trouble sleeping through the night. A heavy dose of workout will still make you sleep like a baby, but it will be a baby on a sugar rush, with no intentions of sleeping at all. To avoid any of that, here are some easy going bed exercises with which you can trick your body into thinking, “Yes, that’s my cue to shut down.” Source

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