Sunday 18 October 2015

5 Simple moves for a firm and tight butt.

5 Simple moves for a firm and tight butt.

You don’t always need to spend hours at the gym to burn those extra calories. The simple day-to-day activities can be as useful as working out to burn calories. The below simple activities can help you burn 100 calories or more without much effort. Incorporate them into your daily life to fight the excess fat and be slim in no time.

1. Rope Jumping:

Take out 10 minutes from your busy schedule to jump rope. Jumping rope at a moderate pace will burn around 107 calories.

2. Dance:

Tune into your favorite song and dance your heart out for 20 minutes. Choose high tempo music for an added kick. This will get your heart racing too, thereby burning calories.

3. Playing with Kids:

Spend half an hour with your kids playing casual games like hide and seek, badminton or hopscotch. Even chasing the kids can burn 120 calories.

4. Terrain Walking:

While walking to your office, college or health club, choose a path with uneven terrain. This will challenge the muscles to work harder, helping you burn calories.

5. Turn into a Jumping Jack:

Get your feet off the ground and see the pounds shedding from the body. Bouncing on a trampoline can burn 100 calories in just 27 minutes. Besides, it will also tone your thighs, legs and butts. Source

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