Thursday 6 August 2015

10 tricks and tips to avoid split ends

The threat of the split end is an ongoing battle which has been lost time and time again. We fight our hardest, and still, our poor locks are left in distress.

10 tricks and tips to avoid split ends

We stand up to our straighteners and curling irons by shielding our hair with thermal protectant products, religiously deep condition our thirsty ends, and even apply additional leave-in conditioners and creams to our damp hair before drying. But somehow, those ratty split ends still manage to nuzzle their way in.

If you are frustrated that your expensive product is seemingly not doing the trick, instead take a closer look at how you handle your hair during your daily styling routine. Don't actively work against your protectant products by falling victim to these 10 easily fixable mistakes! Avoiding split ends just might become the easiest practice incorporated into your styling habits.

Blogger : Mary Lisa
Photo : Source

How to change your hair colour from brunette to blonde

How to change your hair colour from brunette to blonde

Blogger : Mary Lisa
Photo : Source

8 Thin Hair Mistakes You’re Making

8 Thin Hair Mistakes You’re Making

Blogger : Mary Lisa
Photo : Source

Beautiful Buns You Need to Rock This Summer

Beautiful Buns You Need to Rock This Summer

Blogger : Mary Lisa
Photo : Source

7 pretty ponytail ideas to try!

7 pretty ponytail ideas to try!

Blogger : Mary Lisa
Photo : Source

Beauty How-To: Graduation Cap Hair Tutorial

Beauty How-To: Graduation Cap Hair Tutorial

Blogger : Mary Lisa
Photo : Source

10 things women with perfect hair always do

10 things women with perfect hair always do

Blogger : Mary Lisa
Photo : Source

Hair Romance - The chic twisted ponytail tutorial

Hair Romance - The chic twisted ponytail tutorial

Blogger : Mary Lisa
Photo : Source

The It Girl hairstyle—3 different ways

The It Girl hairstyle—3 different ways

Blogger : Mary Lisa
Photo : Source

Volumous Ponytail. Im not sure what extension they are talking about

Volumous Ponytail. Im not sure what extension they are talking about

Blogger : Mary Lisa
Photo : Source

Monday 3 August 2015

I was skeptical at first. Losing a pound a day for 10 days is hard to imagine. But I followed the plan to the T and I did just that and more. I lost 11 pounds in 10 days.

I was skeptical at first. Losing a pound a day for 10 days is hard to imagine. But I followed the plan to the T and I did just that and more. I lost 11 pounds in 10 days.

I was skeptical at first. Losing a pound a day for 10 days is hard to imagine. But I followed the plan to the T and I did just that and more. I lost 11 pounds in 10 days.

Best Butt Workout

Best Butt Workout

The best way to be young and preety is sport. Sport is great for many thing, for weight, for friends, and for many more stuff. These girls knows that, and all they want is to be healthy and nothing more? :) Yes, that is way they went in jym, and why they love sports. I know that all of you love sports too :) This is how you can do some exercises when you at the jym, ot at home, or in some park.

3 Ways to lose weight from thighs

3 Ways to lose weight from thighs

“I found that people like rules, and I love to tell people what to do. It’s not rocket science when it comes to weight loss. It’s about eating a little less and moving a little bit more”. Bob Harper

Abs That Rock in Just 10 Minutes a Day

Abs That Rock in Just 10 Minutes a Day

Abs That Rock in Just 10 Minutes a Day


Give Your Boobs A Boost

Give Your Boobs A Boost

We have tons of exercises aimed at all the essential trouble spots the average women worries about. But, it appears we’ve been neglecting some serious assets. What about your Ta-Tas? How do you perk those up without a “procedure?” No worries, there are some fabulous, proactive exercises you can do to tighten up that chest. Taking a note from all the fitness greats, including men’s workouts designed to pump up the pecks, we have narrowed down our Skinny Mom favorites.


Mental Toughness and the Law Of Attraction

Mental Toughness and the Law Of Attraction

Drink one glass of ice cold water every hour. 2. Drink 3 cups of green tea daily...metabolism. 3. Take vitamins daily with food. 4. Do aerobics until you want to faint. 5. Use smaller plates...looks like you ate more. 6. Chew each bite of food thoroughly. 7. Sleep at least six hours a day. If you get less than six this can lower your metabolism by 15%. 8. Keep track of everything you eat. 9. Keep good posture, burns 10% more calories when you sit up straight.

Easy Exercises at Home to Flatten Your Belly

Easy Exercises at Home to Flatten Your Belly

If you want to flatten the tummy of your stomach, you have to watch what you eat. It must be tempting to eat fast foods and, but it is not easy to get rid of the accumulation of fat in your mid-section. It’s all about what you love most … food or a flat stomach.. 

9 Exercises to Lose Your Muffin Top

9 Exercises to Lose Your Muffin Top

To shrivel those unsightly muffin tops, you need to get down to work, eat right and hit the gym hard. No other way. An exquisite body comes with a price and a lot of discipline. To achieve this, you really need to completely alter your dietary habits: Give up too much ingestion of sugar by quitting sugary drinks and instead drinking plenty of water; dropping junk and picking up on lots of green and fruits; and getting off the couch to try a handful of workouts that will burn the fats and give you that exquisite body you deserve. The moves that are enumerated here are meant to heighten your heart rate so that those idle calories may be burnt up. You should remember to take a rest of between 30 seconds to one minute before moving on to another set of work out. 

27 Tricks to Lose Belly Fat for Good

27 Tricks to Lose Belly Fat for Good

Belly fat is one of the most common problems with women. In fact, it has been observed that even those who have slim bodies are troubled by bulging belly. A bulging belly not only diminishes your appearance, but also increases the risk of diseases like stroke, diabetes, heart disease and cancers. Some people even go to the extent of taking diet pills or fat burners for reducing belly fat.

How to Get A Smaller Waist In Just A Week?

How to Get A Smaller Waist In Just A Week?

Do you want to achieve that hourglass figure just like your favourite actress? Has a slim waist been your dream, and do you often feel it is something impossible to achieve? Well, this post gives you those superb tips that can help you get a smaller waist; and that too within a week!